• Latitude & longitude weather API

    While looking for a free and decent weather service API to display localised weather forecasts on tudomo‘s property details pages, I came across another blog describing how to get the current weather by using the iGoogle weather gadget API.

    The examples provided were mainly to locate the weather in a certain known city. My situation was a bit different as I never know beforehand where the properties for sale on tudomo are located in the world. So what I needed was a weather service based on latitude and longitude solely. Then it would not matter where in the world a property was located as I would get the closest possible matching weather measurement.

    To accomplish this you need to change the original query to the following. Please note all the commas are needed to make it work.:


    Which will output some XML as the following:

    <xml_api_reply version="1">

    <weather module_id="0" tab_id="0" mobile_row="0" mobile_zipped="1" row="0" section="0">

    <city data=""/>
    <postal_code data=""/>
    <latitude_e6 data="36575560"/>
    <longitude_e6 data="-4670219"/>
    <forecast_date data="2009-05-11"/>
    <current_date_time data="2009-05-11 17:09:51 +0000"/>
    <unit_system data="US"/>

    <condition data="Partly Cloudy"/>
    <temp_f data="71"/>
    <temp_c data="21"/>
    <humidity data="Humidity: 62%"/>
    <icon data="/ig/images/weather/partly_cloudy.png"/>
    <wind_condition data="Wind: SW at 13 mph"/>

    <day_of_week data="Mon"/>
    <low data="53"/>
    <high data="75"/>
    <icon data="/ig/images/weather/sunny.png"/>
    <condition data="Clear"/>

    <day_of_week data="Tue"/>
    <low data="53"/>
    <high data="75"/>
    <icon data="/ig/images/weather/sunny.png"/>
    <condition data="Clear"/>

    <day_of_week data="Wed"/>
    <low data="53"/>
    <high data="75"/>
    <icon data="/ig/images/weather/sunny.png"/>
    <condition data="Clear"/>

    <day_of_week data="Thu"/>
    <low data="46"/>
    <high data="71"/>
    <icon data="/ig/images/weather/mostly_sunny.png"/>
    <condition data="Mostly Sunny"/>

    Now it is up to you to simply parse the XML and process it as you wish. Please note that this is untested as I did not end up using the iGoogle API but instead Wunderground‘s as I felt it was more dedicated for the purpose. The same example call with Wunderground’s weather API would be:


    Note there is a slight difference on how the latitude and longitude values are included in the GET request between the two APIs.

  • ip2.cc an alternative to hostip.info

    I have used the API of hostip.info for long time to resolve IP addresses to country codes or country names. The web service has been hit by some severe downtime lately returning “500 – Internal Server Error” for any calls including both API and website page requests. As of now hostip.info has been down and unreachable for several days in a row, with no signs of coming up in the near future. Perhaps the maintainer is on holiday or something…

    I manage several applications depending on this web service so I started searching for an alternative solution to lookup IP addresses. I did not find anything suitable so I decided to launch my own free IP to country lookup API instead.

    This new web service can be found at ip2.cc (IP to Country Code) for everyone to use.

  • Console recursive FTP client

    Sometimes data needs moving from server to server without FXP support. For this task there is nothing simpler than good old FTP.

    What about if you have a large number of subdirectories? As the plain FTP client can not fetch the files recursively shell scripting is usually the solution. But in cases where you do not really know neither the depth of the recursion or the naming convention of the file system structure, an alternative method is needed.

    This method is named NcFTP Client. I got to know about it today as I quickly needed to copy several gigabytes of data spread over several subdirectories and NcFTP did its job flawlessly. I did not even have to install it as Fedora 10 already came with it by default.