Vim: paste indent problems

On one of my boxes I came across this weird behaviour when pasting code into Vim at the terminal. All indentation was broken in a stepped way. Every line indented more and more creating a real mess to work with. This only happened when actually pasting content into the terminal. Typing worked as normal.

I initially thought that it had something to do with Putty‘s way of interacting with this specific box e.g. some configuration that was missing. Issues exist with carriage return (CR) and line feed (LF) handling across platforms. Nevertheless this was a dead end.

Digging around Vim’s extensive wiki provided some clues as to what was going on. Having ‘autoindent‘ or ‘smartindent‘ on creates havoc when pasting into Vim and therefore should be disabled. The problem is that these are nice features to have on when simply typing.

Vim has an alternative mode called ‘paste‘ that does not modify the pasted input in any way and therefore code looks just as in the original source. To enable ‘paste‘ mode during insert simply type ‘:set paste‘ and you are ready to paste. When finished pasting you probably want to leave ‘paste‘ mode by typing ‘:set nopaste‘.

As I am too lazy to type this every time I need to paste something I have now added the ‘pastetoggle‘ key into my profile’s .vimrc file as follows: ‘set pastetoggle=<F12>

From now on simply hit F12 on the keyboard and you will be in ‘paste‘ mode. Press F12 again to leave it.


18 responses to “Vim: paste indent problems”

  1. Francesco avatar

    Saved my day, thanks!

  2. Eli avatar

    Thanks for the tip!

  3. awol avatar

    one of those niggling problems i’ve had for aaaages. it finally got to me and I snapped and undertook a vengeful google search and found your site. thanks for the tip.

  4. emil avatar

    thanks much! that was helpful!

  5. Jeff avatar

    This was extremely helpful thank you!!

  6. Eduardo avatar


  7. Rakesh avatar

    Thanks. Helped me.

  8. Sam avatar

    Thanks for the tip. I’ve always used “set noai” in the paste for this, but it didn’t work when using a new terminal today, but “set paste” did.

  9. Rob Bean avatar

    Thanks a bunch for posting this. Helped me from losing all my hair today.

  10. Fedyashev Nikita avatar
    Fedyashev Nikita

    Thanks, dude! It was pretty annoying before 🙂

  11. simon avatar

    While not the same thing, it’s note worthy: :set paste! toggles paste mode too.

  12. Tomtom avatar

    Thank you very much for this hint !

  13. mr-euro avatar


    You are welcome!

  14. sid avatar

    thanks for this.

  15. mr-euro avatar



  16. Srikanth avatar

    Thanks, it helped me today 🙂

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