Remove white border on images in WP

When posting last time I realised my example images had a little white border around them. For other occasions it may have been nice but this time I needed it without any borders.

Another example below, left with white border and right with no border:

test image test image

To remove that automatically added border when you submit your post using WordPress do the following:

  1. Open your post for editing.
  2. Click on the image in question and select the Edit Image option.
  3. Click on the Advanced Settings tab on the top.
  4. Insert a 0 (zero digit) in the Border field under Image Properties.
  5. Save.

Pretty simple stuff but thought I would share it in case someone else was looking for a remedy.


2 responses to “Remove white border on images in WP”

  1. Frank - follow-up avatar
    Frank – follow-up

    OK, I solved the problem finally: I had to modify a padding entry in style.css for the theme. But how is one to know that’s where to look? (I waded through image.php and page.php before finding the solution in styles.css.)

    My comments about wordpress and, I guess, about creating webpages, remains. This seems to be the last remaining area of computer usage in which you have to be a geek to get anywhere (luckily I am, though I promised myself I’d surely never need to learn anything as dumbly close to assembler language as HTML).

    Maybe we could persuade Microsoft to release a version of Word where the formatting options are each contained within different subfiles that have to be accessed and edited in Notepad? This should make the package much more attractive for web developers.

  2. Frank avatar

    Pretty simple stuff for what would be a trivial problem in almost any other kind of software. Too bad it doesn’t work for me (or many others to judge from the many discussions on the topic) Nor does border: none. Nor does inserting “Styles= etc.”

    BTW I’m a newbie and was advised to use WP because it’s all so simple and straightforward. Hah!! I find that to get anything worth happening to happen at all I have to use HTML and alter php files. If this is simple, then so is setting up a large hadron collider in your kitchen.

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