• Upload & Insert images as a WordPress contributor

    For my Marbella news site I recently hired an excellent free-lance writer on Elance to assist me in composing quality articles. As the site is also powered by WordPress I added him as a contributor to start of with. He explained he had some trouble adding images per the guide I sent him. The “Upload/Insert” image button was simply not there.

    So to summarise, the WordPress contributor role apparently lacks this permission. There are a few plugins around that can let you tweak those permissions with more granularity, but I just needed that single change.

    A bit of searching revealed exactly what I needed. One minor change in the theme’s functions file was sufficient to upload & insert images as a WordPress contributor:

    if ( current_user_can('contributor') && !current_user_can('upload_files') )
    	add_action('admin_init', 'allow_contributor_uploads');
    function allow_contributor_uploads() {
    	$contributor = get_role('contributor');

    This also keeps the core clean for changes which makes upgrading WordPress later on less time consuming.

  • Facebook bummers

    EDIT: Links are dead. Move on.

    I am not a Facebook user myself but I must admit that after reading through some of these bummers it seems as a funny place.

    My friend Oliver recently launched a collection of these Facebook bummers and so far there is no lack of hilarious content.

  • Online Ribbon Generator

    I recently needed a little ribbon for the top corner of Globalpandora to spiff up the site a bit.

    Usually I look around on Google Images for available images but was not able to locate exactly what I was after.

    What I did find though was a nifty tool that generates ribbons in different colours, fonts, etc.

    So thanks to QuickRibbon for a useful service.